ABG Analysis

Check out the simplest ABG interpretation ever!

There is a lot of information available about ABG analysis. It is all important, but as a nurse at the bedside, you may be looking for a “quick and dirty” way to get to the interpretation. As I have presented this method in numerous seminars throughout the years, I frequently hear…”where have you been all my career? I have always struggled with interpretation…and this makes sense!”

Your memory hint for ABG interpretation is “If the pH and Bicarbonate are Both in the same direction, it is a metabolic disturbance”. This is similar to “R-O-M-E” which you may have learned in nursing school. But, as a practicing nurse, you may have learned it a long time ago. 😊

As you click on the image below, check out the three examples using this method. Note the way the arrows are going with the pH and HCO3 to lead you to the correct interpretation. Patient example #3 is a septic patient. Check out the information on the right for the interpretation…metabolic acidosis with respiratory compensation. Note the information about venous CO2 to help you critically think when an ABG may be needed…and has not been ordered yet.


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