has been providing insightful programs to nursing students and nurses for more than 30 years.
Founded by an advanced practice nurse with a passion for clinical excellence and educating others, our courses consistently achieve high marks.
Whether you are a nursing student looking to pass the NCLEX exam; a practicing nurse preparing for certification; or a bedside nurse enhancing the skills you bring to patients, we have solutions to help you become the nurse you want to be.
We recognize the variety of learning styles people have and customize our programs to enhance learning in varies ways. And, we listen to our participants to continuously improve what we do.
You are nearing the end of a long journey and want it to be over. You want to be a nurse and NCLEX is the vehicle to get you there. But, where do you start? You have stacks of books at home and wonder how you are going to conquer this. We have the answer for you in one book that takes all the important information and puts it into an outline format you can quickly review and retain to be successful.
Knowledge is power in delivering quality patient care. Our advanced level CE courses are designed to take you to the next level of competence and skill in the care you provide. While advanced, they are taught in a way that is easy to understand and apply at the bedside.
With our certification courses, we have designed them for review and certification. The goal of each course is for you to be able to apply advanced knowledge to patient care. Nursing care is enhanced because of the review of assessment, diagnostics, pathophysiology, pharmacology, and clinical correlation.
If you are planning to take the exam, we realize it can be a frightening experience for even the most proficient nurse. With our courses, we provide you with a thorough review of your specialty area and test banks to practice your knowledge and skills in answering questions.
Cynthia (Cindy) Liette, MS, APRN-CNS, CCRN-K has been a nurse for more than 40 years. Her career focus has been the delivery of quality care by nurses who are knowledgeable and strive to be the best they can be.
She has always been directly involved in patient care even when serving in an administrative position. Cindy has spent her career making a difference through mentoring and being an inspiration to others.
Thank you for a very professional and excellent class! I gained a lot of knowledge in this session that I will continue to develop. I never realized how important looking at multiple leads was in rhythm analysis!
Well developed course with excellent coverage of material. The instructor was exceptional at explaining concepts and making everything simple to understand and remember.
As a new nurse, I needed this comprehensive review to bring everything together I had learned in school and am now applying at the bedside. The visuals were extremely helpful in recognizing disease states and the clinical manifestations which I will see.
Catch up on your studying in a flash with our exclusive NCLEX "In My Pocket" cards.
These include the most important facts from the program such as disorders, labs, and diagnostics, and a set of pharmacology cards.
These include the most important facts from the program such as disorders, labs, and diagnostics, and a set of pharmacology cards.
Brainy Nurses is ready to make sure you are ready for the big test.
Pass the Next Generation NCLEX exam or get your money back. Guaranteed.
Explore this expansive library of resources, courses, and certifications to level up your nursing skills, earn continuing education credits, and become the nurses you want to be.